Monday, June 13, 2011

National Fame

As i promised long ago, here is the story of how Jayson and I became national superstars.

On one fateful Wednesday afternoon (April 27th to be exact) Jayson and I casually walked into Fox and Hounds British Pub (NOT The Fox and the Hound for those who know of that awful place) to meet friends, Scott and Jessica, for happy hour. Immediately, we were told of our friends' experience telling the NBC Today Show crew, who were walking around the pub, how they would NOT be watching the Royal Wedding. This is when I let them know (these people that I just met two minutes before) that I would not only be watching the Royal Wedding, but that I also made a make-shift fascinator to wear. Actually, my plan was to have a party! (of course this didn't work out and I just watched the wedding wearing my pajamas and the fascinator, while Jayson politely sat sleepy-eyed beside me)

They found this news so delightful that Scott jumped out of his seat and grabbed the reporter and camera man to let them know just how much of a nerd I am (Scott did not actually call me a nerd, but i'm pretty sure all i've described previously implies it.)

I'm not an infront of a camera person; so i politely declined the attention. They left, i breathed a sigh of relief, and then three minutes later they were back asking us to toast the Royal Couple. I felt guilty because the lady was so nice: so i agreed.

We were to do the whole thing in unison; so we developed a beautiful toast and delivered in flawlessly... only to be told we had to redo it and include the word "Cheers!" at the end. Once again perfect unison!... until the end. Jayson forgot the requested line and repeated it slightly after mine.

So that was that. We figured it probably wouldn't air because they interviewed every customer in that place, and we went about our life... until 5:30 am the next day. That's when i received a phone call from my sister that went something like this:
Me: (groggily) "I was on the Today Show?"
Melissa: "That's what you're facebook says! Someone posted it on your wall."
Me: (still just as groggy) "Oh... right... yeah, we might be on the Today Show. Thanks for reminding me.... i'll call you later."

So thank you to those that did post on my FB wall Central Standard Time. Without you we would have never seen our U.S. debut. Unfortunately, no other customer in the pub that day made it on the report, but an edited version of our wonderful toast (they cut it down to just our half a second off "Cheers!") shined on one of my favorite TV shows (i like to think Matt Lauer actually watched it... dream come true)!

So here it is folks, a crappy recording of just our part in a story of how Americans are celebrating the Royal Wedding!


P.S. I hope you enjoyed the laugh track addition as much as we did.